Krzysztof Kieślowski Film School      |
Kazimierz Wolny-Zmorzyński

Kazimierz Wolny-Zmorzyński

Prof. Kazimierz Wolny-Zmorzyński, Ph.D., currently serves as the Vice-Dean for Education and Students at Kieślowski Film School, which operates under the umbrella of the University of Silesia, Katowice.

He has made significant contributions to Polish journalism. One of his notable ventures was his in-depth analysis of the journalism genres explored in this work, Gatunki dziennikarskie. Teoria, praktyka, język (2006, 2010), which he developed in collaboration with Prof. Andrzej Kaliszewski. Some of his independent initiatives include formulating a distinctive system of reporting and understanding the historical roots of reportage. His works in this field include Reportaż – jak go napisać? (1996, 2004), and Biblia a korzenie reportażu (2020). His involvement in visual journalism is no less significant. He created a systematic classification of photojournalism genres and studied the perception surrounding them, which he discussed in the book Fotograficzne gatunki dziennikarskie (2007). His expertise in this field extends to the formulation of methods for evaluating and valuing photojournalism genres, presented in these works: Jaka informacja? Rzecz o percepcji fotografii dziennikarskiej (2010) and Mistrzowie fotografii dziennikarskiej. Ocena i wartościowanie (2015).

He has also authored many novels, including Zerwana nić (1990), Zgrzeszyłem (1990, 1997, 2022), Tylko we dwoje (1992), A słowo ciałem się stało (1992), Sekret Sabiny (2020), and Czas kwarantanny (2020). His work, Uciec, zapomnieć, znaleźć...(2003), was broadcast on Polskie Radio Rzeszów from July to August 2003 and Radio PiK from March to April 2020.
