Krzysztof Kieślowski Film School      |

A still from the film "Take me to her" ("Złamanie otwarte"), cinematography by Fryderyk Potoczek

The semifinalists for the 2024 Student Academy Awards have been announced, and among the 62 films, our short fiction film directed by Bartłomiej Błaszczyński has made the cut. This is incredible!

The semifinalists were selected from 2,683 submissions, and it is the only film from Poland. We are in the running for a Student Oscar! 😲

🎬 Take me to her | Directed by Bartłomiej Błaszczyński | Screenplay by Katarzyna Błaszczyńska | Cinematography by Fryderyk Potoczek | Production Management by Alicja Osiej, Dorota Damec, and Monika Borówka | Produced by the Krzysztof Kieślowski Film School, University of Silesia in Katowice, 2024

Basia (35) pretends everything is fine in front of her husband. At the entrance exams for acting school, she meets Alicja (20) and her baby, whom she is caring for. After a demanding performance and a difficult confrontation with her husband, Basia decides to kidnap Alicja’s baby, unintentionally putting it in danger. This shock prompts Basia to become ready for change and healing.

Congratulations to the entire team for reaching this stage, but we won’t stop here – fingers crossed for the final!

You can read the full list of semifinalists HERE.

A still from the film "Take me to her" ("Złamanie otwarte"), cinematography by Fryderyk Potoczek
A still from the film "Take me to her" ("Złamanie otwarte"), cinematography by Fryderyk Potoczek



The Polish Film Festival in Gdynia shows a certain repetitiveness...

Just like last year, five of our short films have made it into the official selection of the Polish Film Festival in Gdynia! This is a film event that needs no introduction, and being selected for it is always particularly gratifying. See you there!

🎬 The body is getting cold | directed by Przemysław Kopacz | cinematography by Lena Jabłońska | production management by Magda Walasek | 2024

In a rugged mountain landscape stands a lonely cabin. Heavy-breathing Jan makes his way towards it. He enters the house, where there is a high tension; Maria is hurriedly preparing food. During the meal, Jan gets up and attempts to rape the woman. A teenage boy listens to everything...

🎬 Hedgehog's Dilemma | directed by Mateusz Rybiński | cinematography by Tomasz Grzymała | production management by Natalia Rokicka & Rafał Cieplok | 2023

A new patient arrives at a rehab center for deaf youth. On his path to recovery, he encounters a burgeoning, hard-to-name feeling for a girl who has been there for a long time. The entire film is told in sign language.

🎬 If I Had Balls | directed by Karolina Belka | cinematography by Aneta Bochnacka | production management by Magda Walasek | 2024

A young girl, Anka, is committed to a psychiatric hospital. However, she believes there is nothing wrong with her. She becomes the leader of a therapy group and establishes new rules, causing trouble. The girl thinks there would be no problems if she had balls between her legs.

🎬 Pipsqueak| directed by Lena Jaworska | cinematography by Paweł Kozak | production management by Kamil Warszawski | 2024

Inspired by the novel "The Horizon" by Wiesław Myśliwski, it's the story of Piotruś, who goes to play the accordion at the centennial of a small-town parish to impress a girl. A quiet, shy boy, he meets many colorful personalities along the way who challenge him but also help him overcome his shyness and allow himself to be himself. It's a story about the clash of faith and adolescence, self-acceptance, and the importance of having fun in life.

🎬 Tennis Mortis | directed by Michał Łukowicz | cinematography by Kaja Struszczyk | production management by Julia Władacz | 2024

Ania experiences grief after the death of her husband, a devoted sports fan. Unexpectedly, her beloved appears at home to watch the final game of the last tournament...

This year's festival edition will feature many films from our graduates, lecturers, and students; we extend our heartfelt congratulations to everyone! 👏

The program for the 49th edition of the festival is available on the organizer's website.

We recommend purchasing passes and encourage you to watch our productions!








Photo of Jerzy Stuhr, 2007 r.

With deep sadness, we received the news of the passing of Professor Jerzy Stuhr, an outstanding Polish director, screenwriter, and actor, as well as a longtime lecturer at the Krzysztof Kieślowski Film School of the University of Silesia.

He will forever remain in our memory.

We extend our deepest condolences to the Family and Loved Ones of Professor Stuhr.

Dean, Faculty, and Students

Krzysztof Kieślowski Film School

University of Silesia


Photo by Modestas Endriuska

This year's edition of Summer Media Studio, an international workshop for film school students and young professionals, is coming to an end!

During these two-week residential workshops, participants had the opportunity to create 8 short films. First-year students of the K. Kieślowski Film School's Creative Management in New Media program participated in the creation of 6 short films in collaboration with international students from Lithuania, Latvia, Spain, Portugal, and the United States as part of the SMS project!

Our students participated in the program led by Dr. Anna Huth, a lecturer from our department. The entire project was made possible through cooperation with Erasmus+ BIP, which supports short, intensive educational programs utilizing innovative learning methods.

The workshops took place in Lithuania from June 23 to July 6, 2024.

We invite you to view the photos that show just how intense the last two weeks have been as part of SMS.


Photo by Modestas Endriuska
Photo by Modestas Endriuska
Photo by Modestas Endriuska
Photo by Modestas Endriuska
Photo by Modestas Endriuska
Photo by Modestas Endriuska
Photo by Modestas Endriuska

Source: Organizer's press materials

Our two short feature films were awarded at the 53rd Edition of the Lubuskie Lato Film Festival!

🏆 Lena Jaworska and her film Pipsqueak won the Silver Cluster in the Short Feature Film Competition. The jury appreciated the direction and the sensitivity in portraying adolescence in a world between realism and magic.

🎬 Pipsqueak | directed by Lena Jaworska | cinematography by Paweł Kozak | production management by Kamil Dominik Warszawski | produced in 2024.

🏆 In the same competition, Dancing on the clouds by Michał Mieszczyk was also awarded. It received a Distinction for its credible portrayal of a naturalistic world with a ray of hope.

🎬 Dancing on the clouds | directed by Michał Mieszczyk | cinematography by Igor Połaniewicz | production management by Edyta Bełza & Yana Honcharenko | produced in 2023.

Furthermore, we are very pleased with the Bronze Cluster award in the Main Feature Film Competition, won by our alumnus and current lecturer Paweł Maślona for his film Kos. The jury's justification highlighted the unconventional treatment of Polish history and the intelligent marriage of original form with genre cinema. 👏

Congratulations to all the awarded films; each one deserves applause. We wish you continued success! 👏

🔗 You can find the Jury Verdicts for all Competitions on the organizer's website, which we link HERE.