Krzysztof Kieślowski Film School      |

Additional announcement. Individual consultations for candidates for the Film and Television Production as part of the Open Days!


Additional Announcement! As part of the Open Days, each of the candidates for the direction of Film and Television Production Organization has a chance to sign up for individual consultations with Małgorzata Domin, MA - lecturer at the Kieślowski Film School in Katowice!

Małgorzata Domin is a film producer and, among others, a graduate of our department in the field of production organization. Since 2007, he has been the owner of the independent production company Domino Film, and since 2013 he has been a member of the Management Board of the National Chamber of Audiovisual Producers.

Therefore, if you want to become our student in the Film and Television Production, you must give yourself a chance and send applications in accordance with the following conditions:

May 11, 2023
9:30 - 11:30
Duration of an individual consultation: 10 minutes
Limit of places: 12 people (the order of applications decides)
Applications should be sent to: filip.jeleniewicz(at) (name, telephone number and current school)

Do you want to become a film producer? production manager? Take advantage of the offers we have for you as part of the Open Days. These are not only individual consultations, we also offer an academic lecture, which we wrote about earlier on our social media and here: link