Krzysztof Kieślowski Film School      |

Prof. Dagmara Drzazga with the Wojciech Korfanty Award!


We just congratulated Prof. Dagmara Drzazga to win the Janusz Ligoń Silesian Prize, and we already have another great achievement of our lecturer. Great applause!

Prof. Dagmara Drzazga became one of the winners of the Wojciech Korfanty Awards! This award has been granted by the Upper Silesian Association since 1993 and is a recognition of outstanding figures and institutions particularly meritorious for Upper Silesia. You can receive the award only once in your life, which is even more an outstanding achievement, truly unique!

Much could be written and said about the achievements of the lecturer of the Kieślowski Film School, and subsequent awards only confirm the validity of the admiration for the deserved film work of Prof. Dagmara Drzazga for the entire Silesian Community, the director of such films as "Without a single tree, the forest will remain a forest" or "Dead Season".

Award Ceremony of Wojciech Korfanty Awards will take place on April 19 in Zabrze.