Krzysztof Kieślowski Film School      |

The cybergraphy exhibition "Ryszard Czernow Vanitas 2023"

fot. (Rafał Wyrwich)

We would like to remind you about the possibility of visiting the Silesian Museum in Katowice, where until May 7, 2023 you have the opportunity to get acquainted with the work of one of the lecturers of the Kieślowski Film School, prof. Ryszard Czernow.

The exhibition of cybergraphy "Ryszard Czernow Vanitas 2023" brings together a multi-meaning collection of works from both previous years and those less distant, recently gone - one could say, contemporary.

The artist's leitmotif is the broadly understood transience, understood as a more or less destructive passage of time, affecting everything that surrounds society, through material things to ourselves. Everything is destroyed and nothing is permanent, and this is just a process that starts from the very beginning of creation.

The professor himself admits that he leaves some room for interpretation of his works, thus forcing the viewer to reflect, depending on his sensitivity and life experience. It means that everyone has a chance to see something different among digital compositions.