Krzysztof Kieślowski Film School      |

An international project directed by Jan P. Matuszyński

fot. Łukasz Bąk / „Minghun”, Wonder Films

The shooting of "Minghun", an international film project of Polish production, has begun. The director of the film is Dr. Jan P. Matuszyński, known, among others, from the films "The Last Family", "Let There Be No Traces" or the top series CANAL + "King of Warsaw".

From this place, we would like to congratulate the lecturer of the Kieślowski Film School to undertake another demanding and very ambitious project, which is undoubtedly "Minghun".

After the loss of his daughter, Jurek and his father-in-law Ben decide to perform the Chinese minghun ritual, i.e. marriage after death.

"Minghun" is a story about hope, love and searching for the meaning of life and what comes after it. It talks about the most important emotions and the existential limits of human experience. - we read on the website of the film studio Wonder Films, which produces the film.

Jurek, the main character, is played by Marcin Dorociński, while his father-in-law is played by Daxing Zhang, an actor who has participated in, among others, films entitled Fatal Passion and Charlie's Angels. Ewelina Starejki and Wiktoria Gorodeckaja are also part of the Polish cast.

Screenplay: Grzegorz Łoszewski
Cinematography: Kacper Fertacz
Production: Wonder Films
Co-financing: Polish Film Institute and Gdańsk Film Fund
Distribution: Kino Świat
Expected premiere: 2024.

We can't wait!