Krzysztof Kieślowski Film School      |

Kieślowski Film School Students Attend Summer Media School Workshops in Lithuania

photo Modestas Endriuška

Summer Media School workshops for film school students and young professionals, which started on June 23, 2023, are drawing to a close on July 6, 2023.

The two-week residency workshops organized in Lithuania gave participants the opportunity to create short films. Kieślowski Film School students, who are in the second year of Creative Management in New Media, made these films in cooperation with students from Lithuania, Spain, Finland, Latvia, and Estonia.

For our students, the workshops were a part of the classes conducted by Kieślowski Film School lecturer Dr. Anna Huth. They were also part of Erasmus+ BIP, which consists of short, intensive programs that focus on innovative learning methods.

We've incorporated photographs that capture the intensity of the production process - link.

You can also find posters of films co-produced by Dr. Anna Huth and our students.