Krzysztof Kieślowski Film School      |

„The Proposal – premiere in a week”

On March 5 the Silesian Theatre hosted the finals of the "The Proposal – premiere in a week" - a joint initiative of the Faculty of Radio and Television and Acting School at the Silesian Theatre.

Seven students of Cinematography at the Faculty of Radio and Television with selected pairs of young actors from the Acting School had only one week to create together the author's staging of the famous one-act play written by Anton Chekhov. The project has started the cooperation between the Silesian artistic schools. Although the entire project sounded risky, artists managed to create a performance at a very high level.

Directors: Wojciech Klimala, Ewa Lang, Anna Urbańczyk, Nawojka Wierzbowska, Iwo Kondefer, Piotr Nalazek, Jakub Radej

Starring: Agnieszka Gorzkiewicz, Emilia Adamus, Aleksandra Gosławska, Gabriela Kosowska, Justyna Pachla, Wiktoria Lisicka, Paulina Pietrek, Michał Woźniak, Łukasz Guzy, Krzysztof Ciemierz, Bartosz Surówka, Karol Gaj, Wojtek Wójcik, Piotr Adamczyk, Piotr Kumor, Marta Bartczak, Dj Radla

Production Manager: Maja Krężel, Anna Gamrot

Story / artistic supervision: PhD Beata Dzianowicz

Internationales Kurzfilmfest Bunter Hund Logo

On March 9 in Munich will start the 18th International Short Film Festival Bunter Hund, during which a short documentary Debut – love produced by The Faculty of Radio and Television University of Silesia in Katowice, will be presented. Debut - Love directed by Sylwia Rosak will compete for the title of best film in the competition Liebe & andere Grausamkeiten.

Polish Society of Cinematographers Logo

On February 26 Polish Society of Cinematographers for the fifth time awarded its prize for best cinematography. The winner was Paweł Dyllus - a graduate of the Faculty of Radio and Television - for his cinematography in "I am a murderer".

Berlinale 2017 Logo

February 14 during the 67th Berlinale Kuba Czekaj was awarded by Baumi Script Development Award for feature film script "Sorry, Poland". The award was presented in Berlin.

Baumi Award commemorates the famous producer and founder of Pandora Film Karl Baumgartner (Malgorzata Szumowska also collaborated with Baumgartner). The prize opens the door to international co-productions. "Sorry, Poland" also received financing from Polish Film Institute to develop the script.

The film's hero is a 40-year-old disillusioned dancer, and the starting point for the script was Maria Peszek’s song "Sorry, Poland". Photos are planned for 2018.